How to Build a Rustic Farmhouse Kitchen Table for Only $50?

Do you fail to make sufficient amount of fashionable rustic furniture? See this tutorial about making a farmhouse kitchen table. This tutorial is founding on the YouTube video. Name of the video channel is The Rehab Life. From this video, you will come to know about the process of making some basic furniture. You can use these for all kinds of homes with contributing not exceeding $50.
For this kitchen table, there are a lot of potentialities. You can design the table with tableware that is bright colored and blue-green fabric chairs. You may also use a rustic bench that gives usually looking like down-to-earth.
What You'll Need:
. 4”x4” x10ft--1 pcs
. 1”x4” x10ft--3pcs
. 1”x10” x8ft--2pcs
. 1”x10” x10ft--1pc
. 2”x3” x8ft--2pcs
Also, following things are required--
Hammer, screwdriver, miter saw, wood glue, wood screws, finishing nails (2 inches), polyurethane, wood filler, rag, sanding block, wood stain etc.
Step 1: Measure and cut the wood
Lumber should be measured into following extents--
a) from the 4”x4”s, 4 long pieces (29 1/4”)
b) from one 1”x4”, 2 long pieces (70”)
c) from one 1”x10”, 4 long pieces (53 1/2")
d) from the other 1”x4”, 5 long pieces (33 1/2”)
e) from the other 1”x10”, 2 long pieces (37”)
f) from the first 2”x3”, 2 long pieces (33 1/2")
g) from the second 2”x3”, 2 long pieces (1/2")
h) from the last 2”x3”, 1 long piece (63 1/2")
By applying your miter screw, you should make incisions on the wood to make boards.
Step 2: Pound the boards with a hammer
We should hit the woods of this table with a hammer to provide an emblematic shaky look to it, similar to the rustic designs that are completed by us.
You can also follow a different method. With the help of a screwdriver or chisel, you can stab small cracks into the wood.
Step 3: Sand all the boards
By applying your sanding block, sand down the whole.
Step 4: Build the table’s frame
Alongside the frame, the table begins. You should organize your all 1”x4” similar to the following way.
Never forget to adapt the middle piece of woods at the inner side of the large ellipsoidal frame. Absolutely they should be 33 1/2" apart from each other.
Then by applying nails and wood glue, fix the boards.
Step 5: Place the 2”x3” x33 1/2" long pieces on top of the frame
First, of, insert 2 lengthy pieces (2”x3” x33 1/2”) on the frame's head. Into the gaps, put them horizontal enclosed by middle boards.
Be assure about that you put them in the middle of the boards and 6” aside from the origin of the middle boards. Hold them into a perfect area.
Step 6: Put one 1”x10” x37” board at one end of the frame
On the top, speculate the frame with the flush (2”x3”s). Next, at one side of the frame, fix a board (1”x10” x37”). But never forget that an overhang measured about one inch should be present there. So, like the step 5, a board 2”x3” x33 1/2” is not flush with 37” board.
With a pencil, you should mark the edge of the 37” board so that wood glue can't get into the inappropriate locations. From this, you will come to know about the actual usage of boards and glue in appropriate places.
Now with help of the glue, fix the board in an appropriate location and then guard it with nails. For more information please visit our site Table Saw Types.
Step 7: Lay down one 1”x10” x53 1/2" board
Take 1 long piece (1”x10” x53 1/2") and set it horizontally aside to the frame. Then replay the same method like step 6 that you applied in inserting the board (37”) as an overhang (1” ) is present here.
Step 8: Place the rest of the boards
Now add 3 more long pieces (1”x10” x53 1/2") like step 6. Next, abolish it with 1 more board measuring 1”x10” x37”. Your tabletop is outright when all of them are procured.
Step 9: Fill the gaps with wood filler (optional)
You may apply wood filler to depart the troublesome matters that are experienced by the small gaps and holes.
Step 10: Attach the legs
Now to provide some legs to the table, glorify the tabletop and fix all the 4”x4” x29 1/4” pieces under it.
You can use 4 screws to provide the highest support to every leg.
Step 11: Use the last board to make an H stretcher
An H stretcher can be made by you to provide backing to the leg. Now organize the pausing wood, the 2”x3”s. This will produce a large capital letter 'I' contrary to 'H'. It happens as the table is stretched and ellipsoidal.
Now apply screws into the appropriate place of the board.
Fix the giant 'I' at the base of the table. Then fix it in the middle of the legs of every table. You can grasp it into appropriate location by applying 5" screws.
Step 12: Apply stain and poly
Cover the surface of the table by applying a paint brush with wood stain.
Awesome! You possess an advanced dining table now with a refreshing look!